Guten Tag! Bonjour! Aw Bissimilaye!

My name is Dr. Gina Sissoko.

I am a researcher, educator & global citizen.

About Me

Hey! My name is Gina Sissoko, and I am a clinical psychologist. My research focuses on the impact of colorism, gendered racism, and trauma on mental health and system involvement among Black girls across the world. Read more about my pathway into psychology here

I consider myself a global citizen. I was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany by immigrant parents from Mali, West Africa. Before moving to New York City by myself at age 19, I lived in multiple places across the world, including London, Mali, and even Morrocco for a tiny bit. I speak German, English, and French fluently–and can hold a conversation in Bambara. I spent my last year in Chicago while completing my final degree requirement - a clinical predoctoral internship at the University of Illinois Chicago’s College of Medicine. I am now back in New York City and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale School of Public Health.

In addition to being a Black Girlhood Scholar who aims to highlight the invisible narratives of Black girls to support the development of community-level solutions against colorism, gendered racism, and gender-based violence, I hold other very important titles: I am someone’s favorite auntie, an avid Beyonce fan, and a renowned party planner!


  • Associate of Arts


  • Bachelor of Arts - Psychology & Women and Gender Studies


  • Psychology Residency

    2023 - 2024

  • PhD in Clinical Psychology


  • NIMH T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship

    July 2024 - Current

Fellowship & Awards

I have received over $360,000 in competitive fellowship and grant funding including the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship.